Utility Data Centers ( U.D.C)s are one of the important practical and scientific centers, "many countries try to establish them", that survey and map utilities, through a huge integrated database using the modern technology systems like GIS & Detection Devices and GPS system

The importance of these centers is supporting the decision makers by the data of the infrastructure to protect utilities from damage, "the reason of lacking of information about the infrastructure networks "

The important services of U.D.C

  • Support the decision makers in establishing, mapping, and tracing the new utilities networks
  • Make integral work between the utility authorities, to save the governmental money in different utility sectors
  • Co-operate with utility authorities to perform the best utility path and digging in specific time for saving the money of way return back and traffic jams
  • Detect the infrastructure that already established like   electricity – water – sewage – telephones – Gas – Petrol - etc
  • Survey the superstructure contains all data on the ground
  • Random digging inhibition, which causes dangerous, fires, and loosing of souls, by breaking of the Gas and electricity cables
  • Build a digital geographic database for infrastructure and superstructure of all the country places, support the decision makers to make a good control of the country utilities
  • Making link between satellite and Geodic maps of the utility networks
  • Providing the utility authorities with emergency team works 24/hours a day to face emergency digging and fixing of the utilities


المصدر: جهاز معلومات شبكات مرافق الجيزة

مركز معلومات الشبكات GUDC

الجهاز التنفيذى لمعلومات شبكات مرافق محافظة الجيزة


تسجيل الدخول

عدد زيارات الموقع
